Combined Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Arts in International Affairs (MAIA

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Combined Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Arts in International Affairs (MAIA

  • Objectifs The Combined Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Arts in International Affairs (MAIA) is a dynamic initiative that allows students to benefit from the best of both disciplines — a solid grounding in international relations theory and practice, as well as the analytical tools for policy-making. The program is taught over two years and includes a set of core courses from both disciplines and elective courses on different policy areas, conflict resolution and civil society development issues. The program takes advantage of the interdisciplinary nature of governments, non-profits, international institutions and businesses, training students to move easily across boundaries in their study of the allocation of ideas, rights and resources in today’s world.
  • Dirigé à Undergraduate degree with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or equivalent. Original, official transcripts from all universities and colleges attended. 2 letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional). Statement of purpose (in English) of approximately 500 words describing what motivates you to study a combined degree in International Affairs and Public Policy at the graduate level, what attracted you to this program, and what you can bring to it, based on your academic and/or professional experience. CV or Resume. TOEFL scores for applicants whose mother-tongue is not English or whose undergraduate education was not in English. The €75 application fee. The application fee must accompany the application.
  • Diplôme Combined Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Arts in International Affairs (MAIA
  • Contenu    The combined MPA/MAIA program:
     Provides students with a rigorous theoretical, analytical and intellectual preparation, as well as the hands-on professional training necessary to become leaders in the international public policy or civil society sectors.

        Educates students to become effective problem solvers in public policy and conflict resolution, proactive in their understanding of the complexities of sustainable responses.

        Trains students to acquire intellectual autonomy, to make informed decisions and to demonstrate imagination and openness to new experiences, as well as to have the flexibility to think across disciplines and transfer skills between areas of expertise.
Demande d'information

Autre formation en rapport avec affaires internationales