Develop your leadership

Demande d'information

Develop your leadership

  • Objectifs Situate your role as a leader in your interpersonal relationships at work. Discover the principle styles of management in order to be able to delegate effectively. Empower your team and motivate them by accompanying in skill development.
  • Dirigé à senior managers
  • Diplôme Develop your leadership
  • Contenu Develop your leadership


    Le nombre de rendez-vous sera proposé suite à une évaluation de la situation. 

    Moving from a manager to a leader

        * Distinguish between power and authority
        * Lead and reinforce one’s role as a leader
        * Leadership, the new dimension in managing
        * The origins of leadership
        * Positioning oneself as a leader
        * Necessary resources to be a leader

    Developing your leadership potential

        * Identify your potential to influence
        * Increase your attention span and observation of others
        * Understand the impact of power on different leadership models

    Communicate in order to share your vision

        * Understand motivation and expectations
        * Define values and common points of interest
        * Create and develop a shared vision based on objectives and results

    Lead your team with a positive outlook

        * Know how to transmit positive feedback
        * Learn how to deal with difficult team members: techniques and case studies
        * Develop a group dynamic

    The vision of a leader and responsibility

        * Analysing difficulties, identifying stumbling blocks, finding solutions and means to resolve issues
        * Time management and delegation
        * Show by doing in order to reinforce team involvement
        * Give meaning to reaching objectives and performance

    Joy MARTIN est coach certifiée à l'international  et consultante-formatrice, expérimentée auprès de publics "top-mid level" management, spécialisée en management interculturel  et en ressources humaines en anglais (de langue maternelle anglaise) et/ou en français. Bilingue et biculturelle, elle intervient notamment dans le management et intégration culturel (lors d’une fusion-acquisition), en Europe, en Afrique et en Asie.
Demande d'information

Autre formation en rapport avec executive coaching entreprises