Executive Boardroom Global Challenge

Demande d'information

Executive Boardroom Global Challenge

  • Contenu
    Executive Boardroom Global Challenge.
    Course Type: London GISMA
    Career Path: Business
    Course Category: Executive
    This programme is based on a simulation, in which participants are offered the opportunity to become leaders of multinational companies for the timespan of six years. Teams compete with each other within a global, simulated environment, using a 50-page storybook. Participants will have the chance to replicate pioneering brands. They will also develop portfolios on several markets of their choice. This programme aims to produce high-skilled managers who aspire to work in an international environment. It will also be of interest to those with functional responsibilities in specific areas. For instance, one intention of the programme will be to develop fluency and self-confidence to discuss issues and to provide solutions.
    Course Requirements:
    Bachelor degree or professional equivalent,  At least 3 years’ related 
    Language level: Proof of fluency in English.
    Course Duration: 8 days
    Online: No
    Campus Based: Yes
    Locations: London

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