Foundation in Global Design

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Foundation in Global Design

  • Contenu

    Foundation in Global Design.

    Language: English
    Schedule: From 2 to 6 hours per day. From Monday to Friday


    The Foundation in Global Design is addressed to all those interested in getting an introduction to the several disciplines of design (product, interiors, fashion, graphic, advertising and marketing), and it is a help for students in choosing which will become their career. All throughout the year students acquire the essentials on creation and design.

    The world of creation is changing, design is becoming a melting pot of disciplines and their practice is being liberalized. The multidisciplinary approach is a part of a mixture process of the fields of application of creativity. This hybrid education welcomes students  to an open study plan with clear intentions: piquing their curiosity, developing creativity and discovering several expressions of design.


    The Foundation in Global Design introduces students to disciplines of product design, interior design, fashion design, graphic design, advertising and marketing, and delves in the expression of creativity and development of versatility and flexibility. This  course takes places within the multicultural context of IED Barcelona, whose aim is to provide knowledge beyond the limits of specific fields, encouraging and providing the natural skills, common to all students, while learning about other disciplines and the links between them all. Furthermore, IED Barcelona regularly schedules conferences, seminars, presentations and activities involving outstanding professionals from all fields of design that help students to get involved with dynamics of multidisciplinarity.


    The objective of the course  is the teaching of fundamentals of creation, both at theoretical and practical levels, to obtain a wide education that enables students’ incorporation to different disciplines. The course trains students to become able to create a concept and express an idea through several disciplines.


    The course will be developed in three modules:

    . A theoretical module to acquire academic knowledge.

    . A practical module to acquire techniques.

    . A module for multidisciplinary projects.


    The course is addressed to all those interested in getting into the disciplines of product design, interior design, fashion design, graphic design, advertising and marketing, helping them to choose the path they want to become their career. During this year, students will acquire the essentials of creation and design.

    Also, at the end of the course students can create their own work portfolio, an essential tool in the world of design to break into the professional life with more guarantees. The said portfolio captures the practical abilities of a designer, who can show it to future clients or other design schools or institutions.

    Barcelona, city of design.

    The main interest of IED, throughout these years, has been to become a world reference of quality in the education and popularization of the design and the culture at international level. Each year, some 10,000 people from about 90 different countries study in the IED. More than 200 courses are taught, including bachelor's degrees in design, bachelor's degrees in arts (honors) validated by the University of Westminster, IED diplomas, master's and postgraduate courses, continuing study programs and summer courses.

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