Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics

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Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics

  • Objectifs The Master of Science in aerospace mechanics and avionics is a two-year course of study that allows students to develop a high level of competence in engineering science, current technology, and engineering design related to aeronautics and space. It aims at preparing students for careers in the aerospace industry in Europe and worldwide. The MSc AMA starts with a first semester emphazing aerospace mechanics or control and avionics to prepare students to the majors to be selected for semester two and three: «aerodynamics & fluid mechanics», «structures & aeronautical engineering» or «command & control». Students have strong opportunities to develop practical skills through research projects in ISAE’s laboratories and professional thesis during internships in aerospace industry.
  • Diplôme Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics
  • Contenu Semester 1

    Common part
    Mathematics – Foreign languages - structures
    standardisation - Matlab standardisation
    Aerospace and mechanical engineering - 233 h
    Aircraft structures - Aerodynamics 1- Propulsion -
    Control & avionics - Computer Aid Design - Vibrations
    & modal analysis - Flight dynamics - Applied
    Aerodynamics - Modelling of Aerostructures (MEF)

    Semester 2

    Master of Science in Aerospace
    Mechanics and Avionics

    Common part
    Foreign languages - European cultures and Research
    Project in ISAE’s laboratories

    Students have to select one major among:

    Major 1: Design - aerodynamics & aerothermics
    Softwares for computational fluid dynamics
    – Acoustics – Flight characteristics – Experimental
    approach in fluid mechanics

    Major 2: Aircraft control
    Control implementation – Flight characteristics-
    Aircraft control - guidance – Navigation

    Major 3: Aeronautical structures
    Materials for airframes – Calculating structures -
    Dimensioning structures – Design project

    Semester 3

    Common part
    Foreign languages – Research Project in ISAE’s

    Students have to select one major among:

    Major 1: Advanced Fluid Engineering
    Turbomachinery – Aeroelasticity – Turbomachinery
    1: Advanced aerodynamics of turbomachines –
    Turbulence Aeroacoustics – Numerical fluid mechanics –
    Turbomachinery 2: The turbomachine system

    Major 2: Flight control - Guidance
    Multivariables systems – Optimal control – Estimation
    - Kalman filter – Control of flexible structures – Robust
    control - Space applications – Aircraft identification

    Major 3: Aeronautical structures
    Aircraft techniques – Helicopters – Flight dynamics
    - Propulsion – Quality – Dynamics of aeronautical
    and space structures – Advanced structural dynamics
    - Mechanics of laminated structures – Production and
    maintenance of aircraft

    Major 4: Aeronautical engineering
    Aircraft techniques - Helicopters - Flight dynamics -
    Propulsion - Advanced structural dynamics
    Aeronautical engineering environnement - Mastery
    of aeronautical products - Aerodynamics - Materials
    for aerospace structures - Composites

    Major 5: Helicopter engineering
    Helicopter propulsion and motorization – Helicopter
    avionics – Arming - mission – Helicopter flights
    test- Certification – Helicopter maintenance
    – Aerodynamics - Flight qualities - Performances
    – Helicopter dynamics - Helicopter construction
    materials & techniques – Systems - Prototypes -
    tests- production quality assurance

    Semester 4

    Students conduct a thesis in aeronautical industry or
    organisation, in France or abroad and supervised by a
    tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE. The
    Master thesis is concluded by the preparation of a
    report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.
Demande d'information

Autre formation en rapport avec ingénierie mécanique


  • Centre: Universite de Toulouse II - Le Mirail
  • Demande d'information

  • Centre: Universite de Toulouse II - Le Mirail
  • Demande d'information

  • Centre: Universite de Toulouse II - Le Mirail
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  • Mastère : Management de l'Innovation et la Technologie

  • Centre: ESC TOULOUSE Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse
  • Demande d'information
  • Mastère Spécialisé Air-Ground Collaborative Systems Engineering

  • Centre: ENAC-Ecole Nationale de l'aviation civile
  • Demande d'information
  • Mastère Spécialisé Aviation & Air Traffic Management

  • Centre: ENAC-Ecole Nationale de l'aviation civile
  • Demande d'information
  • Mastère Spécialisé en Management Aéroportuaire

  • Centre: ENAC-Ecole Nationale de l'aviation civile
  • Demande d'information