Master of Science Software Engineering for Smart Devices (SES)
ObjectifsThis program introduces graduate students to research and helps them to acquire strong practical and theoretical knowledge in software engineering. It also will help them to further develop their technical knowledge and discover emerging research topics. The program prepares students to apply for a Ph.D or positions as research engineers in an academic or industrial organization.
Dirigé àCes programmes au standard international, entièrement enseignés en anglais, sont destinés aux titulaires de diplôme de bachelor ou équivalent.
DiplômeMaster of Science Software Engineering for Smart Devices (SES)
ContenuComputer Science. Computer Networking.
Mathematical Fundmentals. Wen Technology.
Software Engineering. Object-Oriented Develo p -
ment. Project Management. Formal Lan gu ages.
Software Engineering Tools. Human Compu ter
Interaction. Software Reliablity. Safety and
quality. Software Testing and Metrics. Agents,
Web Services, System Archi tec tures Game
Development Project. Effective Communication.
French as a Foreign Language.