Master One in International and European Law (MIEL)

Demande d'information

Master One in International and European Law (MIEL)

  • Objectifs The MIEL aims at giving students a comprehensive view of European Union Law and International business law through a civil law (French) perspective and to enhance awareness of future lawyers to the comparative input. It gives the possibility to apply for a Master 2 year in France, depending on the qualification of the student (both in French as well as in the legal field), or it can be validated in the students own national curricula following the national regulation.
  • Dirigé à Bac + 3 To qualify for admission to M1 IEL, you must fulfill all the following criteria : * A minimum of 3 years (180 ECTS) of higher education in Law studies : bachelor degree * English proficiency : sufficient to attend courses taught in English (written and oral exams taken in English) * demonstrate a high level of motivation * dispose of sufficient funds to finance your studies * comply with rules and regulations concerning immigration, depending on the students nationality
  • Diplôme Master One in International and European Law (MIEL)
  • Contenu Master One in International and European Law (MIEL):

    Semester One : 30 ECTS   

          Module 1 : Comparative introduction to civil law systems and EU law - 25 hrs +15 hrs tutorial + 15  hrs Methods  [6 E.C.T.S.]
          Module 2 : Contract Law - 30 hrs + 15 hrs tutorial  [6 ECTS]*
          Module 3 : French Approach to Economics & Law - 15 hrs [3 ECTS]
          Module 4 : Private International Law - 30  hrs  (5 ECTS)*
          Module 5 : Property Law (Ownership) - 20 hrs  (3 ECTS)
          Module 6 : Internal Market  - 20 hrs (4 ECTS)*
          Module 7 : E-commerce Law - 10 hrs  (3 ECTS)

    Semester Two : 30 ECTS

           Module 8 : Company Law : French, EU and Int. - 25 hrs (3.5 ECTS)
          Module 9 : International and European Tax Law - 30 hrs + 15 hrs tutorial  (4 ECTS)
          Module 10 : Competition Law - 30 hrs + 15 hrs tutorial  (5.5 ECTS)*
          Module 11 : International Trade Law - 20 hrs (3.5 ECTS) *
          Module 12 : Labour Law and Corporate Social Responsibility - 20 hrs (3.5 ECTS)*
          Module 13 : International Legal Dispute Resolution - 20 hrs (3 ECTS)
          Module 14 : Intellectual and Industrial Property law - 20 hrs (3.5 ECTS)
          Module 15 : Responsibility / Liability - 15 hrs (3.5 E.C.T.S.)
Demande d'information

Autre formation en rapport avec droit international


  • Centre: Universite de Toulouse II - Le Mirail
  • Demande d'information
  • Mastère : Gestion de patrimoine

  • Centre: ESC TOULOUSE Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse
  • Demande d'information
  • Diagnostic financier et décision d’investissement

  • Centre: CNF-CE Centre national de la formation-conseil en entreprise
  • Demande d'information
  • Les fondements du droit au travail

  • Centre: CNF-CE Centre national de la formation-conseil en entreprise
  • Demande d'information
  • Juridique pour commerciaux grands comptes

  • Centre: CNF-CE Centre national de la formation-conseil en entreprise
  • Demande d'information
  • Mastère Spécialisé Air-Ground Collaborative Systems Engineering

  • Centre: ENAC-Ecole Nationale de l'aviation civile
  • Demande d'information
  • Mastère Spécialisé Aviation & Air Traffic Management

  • Centre: ENAC-Ecole Nationale de l'aviation civile
  • Demande d'information