Mastère Spécialisé en Ingénierie des affaires internationales

Demande d'information

Mastère Spécialisé en Ingénierie des affaires internationales

  • Objectifs To provide the distinctive skills necessary to become competent actors in business management and to participate in public sector or private sector calls for tender in the context of a fiercely competitive international environment. To highlight existing abilities and to develop a professional approach to the analysis of customer needs, the elaboration of technical propositions and the role of negotiation in project management and the supply of industrial goods and services.
  • Dirigé à - Recent graduates: engineers, scientists or students of other disciplines coming from French or foreign universities. - Executives pursuing higher education. - Required level: - 5 year university formation. - 4 year university formation + 3 years’ professional experience. - 4 year university formation under certain conditions.
  • Diplôme Mastère Spécialisé en Ingénierie des affaires internationales
  • Contenu This academic programme is a response to the expressed needs of the major industrial companies and representatives of the Business Directors Federation (UIMM) :

        - The strategic and geopolitical dimension
          Policy and company strategy. The international business scenario. Tools for strategic analysis.
          Geopolitics, discriminating parameters for country and target choice; countries involving risk. The
          organisation of world trade, customs barriers. The transfer of technology, advantages. Local subcontracting
          / local implantation / export. Strategic alliances, partnership creation. State and private
          structures for help and support in international development. Help to SMEs. State support for their
          companies. The role of business support units. The role of Governmental Organisations and QUANGOs.

        - Communication and personal development
          Self-awareness, behavioural analysis grids of different cultures. Team work. Oral expression techniques,
          the use of different presentation methods, managing meetings. Conflict resolution. Personal project.
          Personal organisation.

        - Project management
          Different management structures. Team and inter-team relations. Existing networks and power profiles.
          Project planning and follow-up, management control, purchasing. Choice and management of subcontractors.

        - Project management techniques
          Economics, accountancy, fiscal and financial fundamentals. Management control. Comparative
          international accountancy. Financing of export and international projects.

        - Aspects of business law and international commerce
          Norms, copyright and trademarks, industrial protection. Transport and customs. Analysis and
          management of industrial, financial or commercial risks. Crisis management.

        - Industrial Marketing
          Strategic, operational marketing. Commercial research. Logistics, distribution.

        - Intelligence sources and prospecting
          Networks, trade missions and public organisations, commercial events, information and technological
          awareness. Early prospecting and detection of business, involvement during editing of specifications.
          Engineering and Consulting groups. Secure communication systems.

        - Cultural approach in project management and trade
          Safeguards in preparation for cultural shocks encountered in project management and commercial
          undertakings. Initiation in the rules, codes and business ethics of different cultures whether they are
          national, company or job related. Cultural changes. Sensitivity to markets. What to know and what to

        - Sourcing and Calls for tender
          Buyer’s and seller’s points of view, on: The evolution and rules of transmission. The actors. Strategic
          approaches, bid analysis, initial analysis, submission decision grids (bid / no bid). Systems analysis,
          information gathering. Replay strategy, rules for internal follow-up and validation. The launching and
          completion of technical propositions; storyboard and final editing, response conformity matrices.
          Proposition structure; résumé, plan, estimate. Preparation and defence of proposition in the client’s
          presence. Preparation for negotiation. Negotiation (see below). Simulations. Signing of agreement and
          follow-up of completion.

        - Negotiation in project management and calls for tender
          In a complex highly competitive context, stress management, destabilisation techniques, the study of
          decision making techniques, negotiation with multiple interlocutors, the taking into account of the different
          actors, decision makers, prescribers, intermediaries. Agreement and conclusion. Written undertakings
          and contractualisation.

        - English
          Improvement of participant’s abilities in communication, project management and negotiations.

        - Workshops and language laboratory
          A free access language laboratory is available. Weekly, three-hour workshops in English are organized

        - Other languages
          For those who are interested, other modern languages will be proposed: French, Spanish, German,
          Chinese or Japanese.
Demande d'information

Autre formation en rapport avec commerce international