Postgraduate Certificate in Finance

Demande d'information

Postgraduate Certificate in Finance

  • Contenu Postgraduate Certificate in Finance.

    Course type: Executive Education

    Career Path: Finance

    Course Category
    : Postgraduate Certificate


    The main objective of a Postgraduate Certificate in Finance is to empower you with the confidence to progress into a career in the finance industry or to move to a higher academic challenge such as an MSc in Finance.

    Choose to pursue subjects most relevant to your career from our growing portfolio of short courses. Your Postgraduate Certificate Programme should incorporate four courses from those listed below.

    - Understanding Financial Statements 
    - Accounting for Performance and Control 
    - Corporate Finance 
    - Mergers and Acquisitions 
    - Project Finance 
    - Financial Modelling 
    - Financial Markets: Trading and Analysis 
    - Financial Risk Management 

    Course Requirements:

    • Education - Undergraduate degree or equivalent Higher Education qualification, or relevant work experience
    • English language – Common European Framework (CEF) Level B2* or equivalent (all teaching and learning materials are provided in English only) 
    *Please note those with a B1 level of English and relevant proof of further study will be considered. 

    Online: No

    Campus Based: Yes

    Location: London

    Course duration: 12 weeks
    From day one, our focus has been on excellence. Our efforts to deliver the best student experience, first class education and exclusive career support are what make LSBF a unique institution.

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