Course in Contemporary Art and Architecture

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  • Contenu
    Course in Contemporary Art and Architecture in Venice - the Biennale Exhibition
    Summer and Winter Courses - Venice

    • Attendance: Full-time
    • Language: English

    How will we live together? is the question that Hashim Sarkis, Curator of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice has chosen as the title of the event.

    Considering the context of widening political divides and growing economic inequalities where we actually are, he calls architects to imagine spaces in which “we can generously live together: together as human beings who, despite our increasing individuality, yearn to connect with one another and with other species across digital and real space; together as new households looking for more diverse and dignified spaces for inhabitation; together as emerging communities that demand equity, inclusion and spatial identity; together across political borders to imagine new geographies of association; and together as a planet facing crises that require global action for us to continue living at all”.

    The course in Contemporary Art and Architecture in Venice: the Biennale Exhibition offers the opportunity to live and fully experience the event, providing the students with the appropriate reading keys to understand the relation between Architecture and Contemporary Art, through visits to the main art institutions and meetings with professionals operating in this market and system.


    Schedule: Totally held in English, the course has a duration of 75 hours, from Monday to Friday with a full-time attendance.

    Target: Prerequisites or educational training are not requested, but a basic bibliography will be provided to the students so to introduce them to the Contemporary art and architecture subjects.

    During the two weeks of the course students will visit and have the chance to meet and have open discussion with architects, experts, curators, as well as operators working in the main art institutions of the city, as Pinault Foundation, Peggy Guggenheim collection and MUVE (the network of Civic Museum in Venice).

Autre formation en rapport avec architecture

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