Summer Course in Interior and Showroom Design

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    Interior and Showroom Design
    Summer and Winter Courses - Milan

    Duration: 3 Weeks
    Attendance: Full-time
    Language: English

    The course introduces the Italian design industry and current trends in interior design in order to enable you to develop the necessary skills to produce layouts for high-level showrooms and shops with an essential expressive value. 

    During the course, you examine and analyse Italian interior and commercial spaces. “Interior” refers to key spaces for improving everyday living: places to eat, shop, and read and other public spaces.

    You will also increase coherence and fluency in expressing ideas, pursuing a narrative yet analytical approach to your work and will get a better understanding on how to structure and develop a project following the Italian methodology - brief, concept, design, communication - being able to select the right tools and apply them.


    Schedule: From Monday to Thursday during the first two weeks and from Monday to Friday during the 3rd week, on a full time basis (morning and afternoon) the course has a duration of 75 hours spread over 3 weeks

    Target : The course is designed for qualified applicants, such as students who are attending the final years of University studies in Architecture, Interior Design and Industrial Design, or newly graduated, and young professionals interested in enriching their personal knowledge and understanding of the field.
    Applicants need to have mastered representation technique skills such as drawing, sketching and rendering visual communication skills such as computer graphics and rendering, as well as model making and verbal communication skills. 
    Applicants need to show strong motivation and the ability to work in groups.

    Methodology and structure: During the course you acquire theoretical and practical awarness of Italian interiors and commercial spaces, and you take knowledge of the latest trends of Italian design.

    The synergy between lectures and practical training, both of which are supported by workshops and visits to relevant showrooms, shops, and exhibitions, allow you to benefit of a 360° vision of Italian - in particular Milanese - reality and design methodology.

    Site visits are an integral part of the program’s learning experience and are designed to complement what is acquired in the classroom as well as serve as an on-going orientation to the field.


    Study Plan.

    Italian Design Contemporary Trends.

    The objective of the course is to provide you with the tools for identifying, reading, and analyzing the main European trends in product, furniture, interior, fashion design, colours, materials, and finishing.

    History and Evolution of Commercial Spaces.

    During this course you will get an overview of the historical evolution of the commercial spaces. Trends and design languages from the Roman period (III century B.C.) to XXI century will be investigated. You will also become aware and focus on the role that the multisensory and psychological aspects of interior design play inside the commercial spaces.

    Introduction to Display and Retail.

    The course’s aim is to analyze and comprehend contemporary sales-point design strategy and merchandising awareness; product displaying and customer behavior.

    Introduction to Light.

    The designer’s mission is to transform the ‘light source’ into a form that communicates and enhances mood, ambiance and emotions. A brief introduction to the subject will be given through visits to Italian light showrooms and/or companies.

    Introduction to Materials.

    The aim of the course is to fine-tune your familiarity with innovative materials, their technical characteristics and their fields of application; develop ability to apply materials practically to a design model; develop independent critical ability to conduct individual research into materials in the framework of interior design projects.

    Interior & Shop Design Workshop.

    During this workshop you will apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during the course in creative group-based projects.

    About IED:


    Our graduates and the brilliant positions of responsibility they occupy in the creative professions and enterprise tell the story of the excellence generated by IED.

    It’s a success story that has contributed to the achievement of the official recognition, for the majority of IED courses, by the Ministries of Education and of Research in the countries where IED operates directly.

    IED has also signed agreements with several prestigious academic institutes to offer double-branded courses at home and abroad, whose final diplomas are accredited by the partner institutions. For the 2012-2013 academic year, the institution in question is the University of Westminster in London.

    IED educational program is based on course credits (CF) according to the most advanced european institutions of this area.

Autre formation en rapport avec décoration d'intérieur

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