Interior Design - Academic Year - Fall Intake

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    Interior Design - Academic Year - Fall Intake
    One Year Courses - Milan.

    Attendance: full-time
    Language: English

    In the last years the field of Interior Design has witnessed a continuous growth, for this reason professionals in the field need to be more flexible and in touch with the new technologies, methods, and materials.

    Through the Interior Design Academic Year program you get an in-depth and practical introduction to Italian design and the ‘Made in Italy’ concept with particular attention to contemporary trends, while being equipped with all the necessary instruments to enter this field. You will learn to design interior spaces both for commercial and residential use, from the initial concept and first sketch to the 3D view, and to realize a model representing a public space. Furthermore the course will develop your awareness of colour, shape and form and gives you the necessary skills to choose interior finishes.

    The program is structured around the major international trade shows in Italy which provide insight on the latest contemporary trends and become starting point for a broader debate on design and its current language: formal and expressive.

    Schedule: Lessons are held from Monday to Friday, morning and/or afternoon.

    Target: This course is especially oriented towards high school graduates and university students or professionals from other areas of study, wishing to learn the fundamentals of interior design.

    Structure and Methodology:  The Academic Year is structured around the major international trade shows in Italy, including Architect@work, SAIE ( International Building Exhibition ) in Bologna, Salone del Mobile furniture show and the Design Week that follows, Salone Satellite, Euroluce, International Bathroom Exhibition and the International Home Furnishings Expo.

    The program offers you an in-depth and practical overview of the Italian design and the ‘Made in Italy’ concept. It enables you to experiment and master the basic design tools and to identify and analyze current trends in interior design in terms of forms, colors, materials.

    The Academic Year is divided into two distinctive semesters, the Interior and Spatial Design Fall semester and the Italian Contemporary Design and Trends Spring semester, each of them with specific objectives and focuses. Students have the possibility to take the whole Academic Year or to enroll only in one of the two semesters.

    Interior and Spatial Design – Fall semester 
    During this semester you will acquire the basic skills connected with drawing techniques and softwares to represent interior design projects. At the same time, you learn the design process and the basic knowledge of the different materials to be used in order to characterize a space.
    Italian Contemporary Design and Trends – Spring semester
    The spring semester explores contemporary design trends and design languages, through visits to showrooms and lectures. New trends in furniture, various types of houses, different lifestyles and people's needs and desires will be analyzed from a practical and emotional point of view. 

    Visiting trade shows and showrooms, as well as active participation in lectures, discussions and confrontation with faculty and peers will allow you to raise your cultural awareness, while the project-based experiences will provide the analytical, the technical and technological skills and competences to develop design concepts and execute them into a project proposal.

    About IED:


    Our graduates and the brilliant positions of responsibility they occupy in the creative professions and enterprise tell the story of the excellence generated by IED.

    It’s a success story that has contributed to the achievement of the official recognition, for the majority of IED courses, by the Ministries of Education and of Research in the countries where IED operates directly.

    IED has also signed agreements with several prestigious academic institutes to offer double-branded courses at home and abroad, whose final diplomas are accredited by the partner institutions. For the 2012-2013 academic year, the institution in question is the University of Westminster in London.

    IED educational program is based on course credits (CF) according to the most advanced european institutions of this area

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