Jewelry Design - Fall Semester

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    Jewelry Design - Fall Semester
    Semester Courses - Milan.

        Attendance: full-time
        Language: English

    Jewelry is more than craftsmanship, it’s an art that requires the ability to translate an intangible idea into a concrete object. Jewels are more than wearing ornaments, they are ‘documents’ that reflect the historical and cultural context as well as the technology of the time in which they were made.

    The Jewelry Design semester program gives you the possibility to get steps forward into the jewelry design field, allowing you to you acquire the skills in order to comprehend the profession of designing and creating jewelry objects. The educational path is sketch out so to help you to understand and acquire a working knowledge of jewelry artistry, from cultural notions related to history of jewelry and the jewelry manufacturing techniques, up to the methodology and the designing of jewels. 


    Schedule:  Lessons run from Monday to Friday morning and/or afternoon. 

    Level and prerequisites:  This course is designed for secondary school graduates wishing to learn the fundamentals of jewelry design or university students and professionals from other fields, looking for a career change. Apart from an intermediate level of English and the high-school diploma, there are no other prerequisites to enter the course.

    Methodology and structure: The course is fully integrated with the first semester of the Three-year course in Jewelry Design, except for the Design Methods and jewelry design classes, which are dedicated exclusively to the semester students.

    Throughout the semester, lectures are alternated with laboratory activities, which provide you with the technical, cultural and basic design tools, necessary to manage your creativity and identity. 

    The very initial step will be an introduction to the history of art, with the most important artistic movements, and their leading personalities, as well as of the jewel evolution. Furthermore you will learn to use the traditional drafting techniques necessary to illustrate shapes, forms, and textures of jewelry works. Finally you acquire the correct design methodology ( tools, techniques, and materials ) to design and realize prototypes in the jewelry lab.

    Through the course you will also learn to interpret the main changes in the history of art and fashion, putting them in relation with the constant development of jewelry and body accessories. 

    About IED:


    Our graduates and the brilliant positions of responsibility they occupy in the creative professions and enterprise tell the story of the excellence generated by IED.

    It’s a success story that has contributed to the achievement of the official recognition, for the majority of IED courses, by the Ministries of Education and of Research in the countries where IED operates directly.

    IED has also signed agreements with several prestigious academic institutes to offer double-branded courses at home and abroad, whose final diplomas are accredited by the partner institutions. For the 2012-2013 academic year, the institution in question is the University of Westminster in London.

    IED educational program is based on course credits (CF) according to the most advanced european institutions of this area

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