Summer Course in Rome Architectural Sketchbook

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    Summer Course in Rome Architectural Sketchbook.
    Summer and Winter Courses - Rome

    Rome Architectural Sketchbook is a multidisciplinary course that explores the various components of architecture in Rome, allowing you to focus on sites, design and visual sketching. 

    Together with your classmate, having different profiles and artistic skills, you will work on site in various places reflecting diverse periods of art, architecture and history of Rome. The course combines the observation of the historic and contemporary context of the locations, with the development of the creative process and refining of sketching techniques and personal style.

    Traditional sketching methodologies and techniques, such as visual sketching and illustration layout as well as photo research and interior design, will be deepened during the program and enhanced by visits to Roman sites and architectural spaces. As Final Project you will complete a personal sketchbook using different representation techniques such as video, photography or modelling.


    Schedule: Lessons are held from Monday to Thursday during the first week and from Monday to Friday during the second and the third week the course has a duration of 75 hours spread over 3 weeks.

    Target : The course is aimed at people who are interested in the world of art and design and have no prior knowledge or experience in the discipline. Skills such as drawing or sketching can be useful even if not mandatory. Applicants need to show strong motivation and the ability to work in groups.

    Methodology and structure - The course is articulated in 2 modules.

    During the first part, based on Architectural Sketching, you will learn the basic sketching techniques while visiting the most important historical sites and monuments. Under the guidance of skilled teachers, you will explore the city, drawing, photographing, interpreting everything that is proposed and presented to you. 

    During the second part, Representation Techniques, you are required to choose between the following three specializations: Fine Arts, Model Making, and Video Production and Photography. The course continues with an in-depth study of the chosen subject and by the end of the course, together with your classmates, you will present your portfolio as well as your thoughts and personal growth during this three week experience.

    Throughout the course, you will meet with diverse professionals in the field as part of traditional lecture or showroom visits. Active participation in discussions with guest lecturers and site visit/field trip attendance is fundamental. 

    Study Plan.
    Architectural Sketching, Fine Arts Sketching, Video and Photography and Model Making. The course is articulated in 2 modules: 
    - the first part, the architectural sketching course, going from the rough to the definition drawings of architectural sketch, with particular focus on the specifics of the architectural and interior design sector. 
    - the second part the students can choose between 3 specializations: Fine Arts Sketching, Video Production and Photography and Model Making.

    Architectural Sketching..

    Sketches by observation
    The objective of this course is to give you a general introduction to the world of drawing communication through the knowledge of all the existing techniques of sketching.
    It will furthermore explain which the main differences among them are, by comparing different case histories of some relevant illustrators. Through this course you acquire the ability to sketch buildings or products by observing them on site or in class.

    Memory drawing
    Through this course you acquire the ability to accurately recall and draw something previously seen.

    History of architecture
    This course is an introduction to the great buildings and engineering marvels of Rome and its empire, with an emphasis on urban planning and monuments and on their decoration, including mural painting. The course explores the architecture of Rome, how it has shaped and has been shaped by political, religious and social events of various eras. Churches, ancient temples, Renaissance palaces, modern shopping center are all concentrated in the historical center of Rome, sometimes layered, one on top of the other, creating a patchwork of styles and centuries.

    Representation Techniques.
    Model Making
    During this course you will be introduced to the Model Making techniques and will develop analisys and design skills so as to define a correct architectural brief and realize 3D models.

    Illustration for Fine Arts
    During the course you learn the process of drawing in many different styles.
    You will develop and understand the basic visual language of illustration, exlporing mark-making, composition, framing and colour theory. The course gives an in depth understanding of the fundamentals of drawing and the knowledge to create stunning designs and illustration.

    Video Production and Photography
    The course introduces you to filmmaking, from script to the shoot. 

    Study in Rome with IED:

    The objective of the Istituto Europeo di Design is to train young people in the fields of Design, Fashion, Visual Communication and Management for Creative Industries, providing them with efficient tools so that they are able to respond to the demands of the current professional world. To this end, the school has developed an innovative and diversified teaching methodology that addresses aspects such as technology and experimentation, expressiveness in messages and integrated communication, together with market problems and new scenarios.

Autre formation en rapport avec architecture

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