Summer Course in Fashion Events and PR

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    Fashion Events and PR.
    Summer and Winter Courses - Florence

    This program focuses on the basic skills and methodologies employed in developing and producing successful events specifically for the fashion industry. 

    The education path teaches you how to merge the use of public relation strategies, fashion communication and event planning in order to stage an actual fashion event as your Final Project for a partner company. By the end of the course you will have acquired the knowledge of all the steps necessary to plan, organize, and communicate a fashion event, using traditional and new media. 

    Together with your fellows you are expected to work outside of class in small groups and individually both for regular assignments as well as the final project.


    Schedule: From Monday to Thursday on a full time basis (morning and afternoon). The course has a duration of 75 hours spread over 3 weeks.

    Target : This course is intended for creative, flexible, open-minded students from other fields who want to learn and take on challenges. People who are interested in the world of fashion communication, in particular in fashion events and PR for fashion business, and have no prior knowledge or experience in the discipline. Skills such as fashion trends setting or sketching can be useful even if not mandatory. Applicants need to show strong motivation and the ability to work in groups.

    Methodology and structure - This course allows you to develop the essential skills and techniques in order to organize successful fashion events and develop communication plans. Together with your classmates you will be divided in groups and will be required to develop three communication projects based on real company briefings. 

    Projects focus on the concept design of an original event, on the definition of a communication plan, including the branding strategy, and the use of different PR and communication techniques.

    Projects are developed through the different learning modules, which combine theoretical and guided tours at Italian fashion retailers and museums. Projects are presented to the clients halfway through and at the end of the program. 

    Site visits are an integral part of the learning experience and are designed to complement what is acquired in the classroom as well as serve as an on-going orientation to the field. Lectures will be held by professionals working in the fashion industry.

    Study Plan.

    Fashion Events.
    Through this course you will develop the necessary skills in order to plan and manage successful fashion events. You will be required to carry out three event proposals and deal with all their aspects: event proposal, communication plan and branding strategies, materials selection, catering, lighting etc.

    Fashion Communication and PR.
    You achieve the ability to develop and present an effective communication campaign. This will include several stages such as: a fashion communication strategy plan, the definition of related communication action points and press release, and fashion writing production.

    Fashion Writing.
    Through this course you learn how to develop good writing techniques and nurture your own unique ‘journalistic’ voice. You analyze and define the most effective and suitable communication techniques adapted to specific situations. The result is a written press release and event communication packet.

    You learn the brand’s value as a point of contact between business and consumers. You work on your design project according to a design brief developed in partnership with the client. You will use the design brief to understand the client’s goal and clarify the need and direction of the project.


    This wide-ranging group of international organizations grants IED students even more extensive possibilities for academic exchange. Numerous bilateral agreements with prestigious foreign universities provide the chance for our students to take part in the Exchange Study Program and in the Erasmus + Program and spend a semester abroad at one of our partner universities or another IED location.

    IED educational program is based on course credits (CF) according to the most advanced european institutions of this area.

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