European MBA - Semi-présentiel

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Commentaire sur European MBA - Semi-présentiel - 12ème - Reuilly - Paris

  • Dirigé à
    Accès : Etude de dossier et entretien. Deux accès possibles : avec un Bac+3, intégrer un MBA Spécialisé en 2 ans ; avec un Bac+4/5, intégrer un MBA Spécialisé en 1 an.
  • Contenu
    The aim of the EMBA Program is to produce business leaders who are not just profit oriented but knowledgeable in their area of expertise and sensitive to ethical concerns to ensure effective and efficient management. The Prerequisites allow those students without a business background to acquire knowledge necessary to succeed in the EMBA Program. The International Management Program (IMP), the first module of the EMBA Program, offers degree candidates courses that develop their general intellectual competence in business that will serve them throughout their professional career. The European Management Program (EMP), the second module, requires students to hone their knowledge of Europe, European economics and management, while confronting diverse ethical positions. During the last module, the Specialization Program (SP), students are free to choose one of the four specializations offered to develop skills that will make them particularly marketable in today's highly competitive and global labor market.

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