Executive Business Analytics in Practice

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Commentaire sur Executive Business Analytics in Practice - Présentiel - Londres - Angleterre

  • Contenu
    Executive Business analytics in practice .
    Course Type: London GISMA
    Career Path: Business
    Course Category: Executive
    The programme content aims to help participants broaden their knowledge and prospects in order to succeed in the world of business. The programme will be of interest particularly for those participants seeking to identify business analytics opportunities in their own organisations. During the programme, participants will have the opportunity to look at business analytics cases and solutions, while discussing several fundamental elements for a successful business analytics approach. They will also learn how to collect information from various partners through surveys, trends-analysis and web analytics.
    It will enable participants to develop, analyse and transform financial and non-financial models within organisations, in order to develop new insights into business performance. It will do this in the context of ever-transforming processes while understanding the constraints of information uncertainty in decision making.
    Course Requirements:
    Bachelor degree or professional equivalent,  At least 3 years’ related 
    Language level: Proof of fluency in English.
    Course Duration: 4 days
    Online: No
    Campus Based: Yes
    Locations: London

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