Master in Environmental Engineering and Management (Madrid)

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Commentaire sur Master in Environmental Engineering and Management (Madrid) - Présentiel - Madrid - Espagne

  • Contenu
    We have a unique method of learning and development that combines theory and practice, which is dynamic, rich in experiences and aimed at putting the knowledge gained immediately into action in the subsequent job performance.

    The vast majority of areas are addressed from multiple perspectives: case studies, technical notes, master classes, lectures, presentations, and so on. This facilitates a solid conceptual base focused on enhancing these skills through a practical and professional approach.

    You'll learn with a methodology based on mobile learning, digital tools and learning by doing. Learning first hand, where you have to take an active role and get involved from day one. As professionals with these skills are being demanded, we adapt to the work of tomorrow.

    • Compulsory subjects (100 hours)
    Economic environment

    Throughout this module, participants analyse the main relationships between economic, political and social variables, which are the basis for decision making in business management. Basic concepts for management activity are also examined to introduce general knowledge of the financial management of a company.

    Business strategy is also discussed, which is basic and introductory in nature, where, starting from the origins of the management function and its historical evolution, applying the concepts of the systemic approach to management in the light of change are considered and the principles of vision, mission and strategy are defined. Finally, the basics of Marketing are introduced to provide the participant with a comprehensive view of the subject and its fields of action.

    What is business strategy and what impact does it have on your daily life? You'll analyse the industry and generic internal circumstances of companies that compete in it. You'll diagnose the specific business situation, possible ways to compete and be able to determine the objectives to specify how they are going to be achieved.

    This course enables you to understand and deepen the concepts, procedures and basic tools of financially managing a company. This addresses accounting in decision making, economic and financial analysis, financial calculations and analysis of investment.

    You'll find out the basics of marketing, covering its different areas of activity from a holistic perspective. To this end, concepts such as market, product, pricing, sales activities, market communication and planning will be analysed, enabling you to become aware of this important business function.

    Introduction to sustainability
    No company director in the 21st century can lack a global outlook about the social, environmental and economic challenges facing modern society. Long-term sustainable business management is not only key to business survival but fundamental for the future of the planet and its resources.

    We prepare you to develop a management mindset that is familiar with business innovation and sustainability as key elements of business competitiveness. This is one of EOI's clear commitments as a School: all managers and leaders of tomorrow need a solid base in innovation methodologies and concepts to help introduce innovative practices in any process.

    In addition to leading and managing a company, a manager must foster a climate to develop entrepreneurial spirit. This module explains how to produce the process of creating ideas, analyse, execute and implement them through projects that create value for organisations and society. It gives students the technical knowledge and basic management skills required for entrepreneurs in the process of creating their business plan. It also enables students to develop a Business Plan, with all its complexity.

    Management skills
    This module is geared towards the participant's personal development, working the skills needed to meet management challenges in a practical way by exercising it individually to control situations. We work on interpersonal skills relating to communication, time management, effective presentations, negotiating and leadership as well as motivating teams.

    Project management
    Project management is an activity that allows resources to be managed more efficiently, a good cost control and meeting project deadlines. You'll learn the different aspects and techniques related to project planning, design, management and control, understanding and analysing the various life stages of a project and its related activities and tasks. This education applies to all projects regardless of their nature and complexity.

    Core subjects (470 hours)

    Legal regulations and environmental responsibility

    Participants are introduced to the environmental legal framework, by studying the origin of legislation, the bodies involved and the competence regime.

    It deals with environmental regulations in all areas: water, air, waste, soil, etc. and participants are trained in a field of legislation and procedures governing the activities potentially impacting the environment, both in national and EU law, as well as in international law.

    Civil, administrative and criminal liability entailing an environmental violation, systems valuing damage caused and financial guarantees are examined in depth.

    Air pollution

    This raises the problem of air pollution by analysing the different types of contaminants and how they act in the atmosphere for which a thorough study of the atmosphere is carried out using pollution diffusion models.

    Pollution-generating activities are identified and measurement techniques are discussed, both in terms of emissions and intakes, enabling participants to design a network to monitor and control air pollution.

    The design and implementation of air pollution corrective measures are developed in depth in the programme by providing the participants with the knowledge necessary to achieve a significant reduction in air pollutants.

    Energy and the environment Climate Change Challenges

    This course gives the participant the evidence of climate change and the weight of the acts of man, exploring the major environmental problems arising from energy production and consumption. The different energy sources are studied as well as the progress of the development of renewable energies in Spain.

    In this conceptual framework, participants discuss the Kyoto Protocol and mechanisms for its development in depth so they learn to identify and apply the tools that every company has to combat climate change, along with their costs and profit-making opportunities. It is studied how carbon markets operate, as well as the Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation system and the main systems for monitoring and verifying emissions.

    Noise pollution

    Understanding the physical basis of noise and vibration is the beginning of the study on noise pollution, so physical fundamentals and sound propagation are discussed in depth at the beginning of subject.

    Noise sources in industry, environmental noise and noise produced by transport (vehicles, rail and air traffic) are subsequently described as well as their effects on the population. By understanding the measurement systems and regulatory issues, the participants will be able to design preventive and remedial measures for noise pollution.

    Waste treatment and management

    The origin and characteristics of different types of waste are described as well as regulations to address its subsequent management and treatment.

    Waste management is approached from it being collected and transported to it being dumped in landfill sites through the analysis of different types of treatment such as recovery and recycling, energy valuation, composting, or physical chemical treatments.

    Participants are trained on how to design and calculate infrastructure for collection, transportation and management of waste and to establish minimisation programmes aimed at preventing the production of waste at source.

    A detailed study of the various types of special waste (electronics, mining, radioactive, etc.) completes the overall picture that participants acquire on the waste situation in Spain.

    Water pollution

    Knowledge of water pollutants, their sources and the effects they have on the environment are essential for proper treatment and to adapt to different uses. On this basis, participants explore the different treatments (physical, biological and chemical) used to treat urban and industrial water, performing calculations and preliminary design of wastewater treatment plants.

    In parallel to the water line, the treatment of sludge obtained in the purification process is addressed and, finally, facilities management systems are analysed.

    Soil and groundwater contamination

    Starting from a study of the different types of contaminated sites, participants explore the causes, types and behaviour of contaminants and their performance in soil and groundwater to evaluate damage and risks of pollution and implement the most appropriate decontamination techniques.

    All this knowledge enables participants to address the characterisation and recovery of a contaminated site from field research and analysis of soil and water to the study of solutions.

    Environmental impact assessment

    Participants gain the knowledge necessary to conduct the Environmental Impact Assessment on any project. To this end, regulations and administrative procedures are examined in depth, and the contents of the impact study are detailed, in addition to the impacts and proposed corrective measures being identified and valued. It also gives participants the expertise to carry out the monitoring program and the impact statement associated with the study.

    The Strategic Environmental Assessment to be applied in plans and programmes are also dealt with in this area.

    Management systems and environmental audits

    Following the previous basic knowledge posed in the compulsory subjects on quality, environmental and prevention management systems, this course explore the environmental field by providing the necessary knowledge concerning Environmental Management Systems in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard and the EU EMAS Regulation. The background is studied, along with the current situation, fundamentals and differentiators, methodology of development and deployment of such systems and the main advantages and difficulties as well as their relationship with other management systems.

    Likewise, criteria and operational audits of management systems are specified, revealing the regulatory framework for certification and accreditation activities by carrying out case studies on implementing and auditing environmental management systems that facilitate the student's understanding and application of all the theoretical concepts presented.
    Electives (30 hours)

    Free-choice subjects

    So you can enrich your training, taking into account your interests or your future career path, you must select from a range of proposed subjects. Each optional module/subject is taught with a minimum of 8 accepted and enrolled students.

    Some of the topics selected by participants in previous years are listed below:

        * Corporate Social Responsibility
        * Due Diligence (Technical feasibility of projects)
        * Geographic Information Systems
        * Chief Auditor of Quality Systems (IRCA)
        * Official Basic Course on Occupational Health and Safety

    Project (100 hours)

    End of master degree project

    During the last months of the academic year, you will carry out a technical end of master degree project where you must apply the knowledge acquired. The project is carried out under the guidance of a tutor who is an expert in the subject matter. Advocating the project before a panel of judges is a prerequisite for obtaining a master's degree. Sometimes the project is led by partner companies and institutions outside of EOI that suggest ideas, topics and proposals to be studied and analysed by participants.
    The Master in Environmental Engineering and Management begins in October and ends in July

    It is equivalent to 70 credits spread over

        * 60 credits relating to the academic load (study and work)
        * 10 credits for the project

    Schedule: Oct 2011 to Jul 2012
    Place: Madrid
    Price: €14,070
    Dedication: Full Time
    Length: 700 hours (70 credits)

Autre formation en rapport avec ingénierie environnement

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