Mastère Spécialisé Air-Ground Collaborative Systems Engineering

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Commentaire sur Mastère Spécialisé Air-Ground Collaborative Systems Engineering - Présentiel - Toulouse - Haute-Garonne

  • Objectifs
    The Mastère Spécialisé ‘Air-Ground Collaborative Systems Engineering' (Postgraduate degree) main objective is to educate managers so that they are able to actively participate in the development of cooperative avionics systems and air traffic control systems.
  • Pratiques
    * You're a student from the European Union :

    5 850 Euros

    * You're a student from a non-European university that gets parthership agreements with ENAC :

    7 650 Euros

    * You're a student not satisfying previous conditions or a professional :

    15 300 Euros
  • Dirigé à
    - Diplome d'ingénieur en Aéronautique, Automatique, Electronique, Informatique, Télécommunications ou équivalent-

    - Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences, Aeronautical Engineering or equivalent

    - Bachelor's degree in the same fields, with 3 years' professional experience

    - English proficiency : TOEFL 550 points mini. (or equivalent)
  • Diplôme
    Mastère Spécialisé Air-Ground Collaborative Systems Engineering
  • Contenu
    AVI 1 - The aircraft

    Lecturers :

        * Experts from Enac Air Transport Department

    Presentation : The aircraft is the main player of the air traffic management system. This module presents the main characteristics of its operational environment.

    Content :

        * Flight mechanics
        * Navigation
        * Meteorology
        * Operations

    Pedagogical objectives : be able to describe the operational environment of the aircraft

    Methods : courses and practical works

    AVI 2 - The Air Traffic Management

    Lecturers :

        * Experts (including Air Navigation Control Engineers) from Enac Air Traffic Management Department
        * Experts from the French Civil Aviation Authority (Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile -DGAC)
        * Experts from Thales ATM

    Presentation : The air traffic management system is the dynamic and integrated management of air traffic and airspace. This module explains its current operation and its envisaged evolution.

    Content :

        * Basic regulation
        * Basics of Procedures Design
        * Air Traffic Services description
        * Air Traffic Management system architecture
        * The principles of Flexible Use of Airspace
        * The principles of Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM)

    Pedagogical objectives : be able to explain the current air traffic management system operation

    Methods : courses, Air Traffic Control simulations

    AVI 3 - Airworthiness Regulatory Framework

    Lecturers :

        * Experts from Enac Air Transport Department
        * Experts from Euroace and Eurocontrol

    Presentation : Air transport safety is the key driver in aeronautics. In this context, this module will present the civil aviation regulations.

    Content :

        * ICAO safety objectives
        * International co-operation and regulatory bodies
        * Airworthiness and operational regulation
        * Air navigation regulation
        * Type Certificate Holder duties
        * Certification and continued airworthiness procedures
        * Operation rules compliance

    Pedagogical objectives :

        * Be able to sate the air transport safety objectives and the regulatory bodies activities
        * Be able to explain the airworthiness, operational and air navigation rules principles

    Methods : courses, practical illustrations

    AVI 4 - Basic Techniques for Avionics

    Lecturers :

        * Experts (PhD's) from Enac Departments

    Presentation : Key techniques used in the area of avionics and ATM will be presented in this module by PhD's from Enac

    Content :

        * Inertial systems
        * Digital modulation
        * Communication Networks
        * Automatics
        * Real time software

    Pedagogical objectives : Provide the technical background for further studies of cooperative avionics systems

    Methods : courses, hands-on

    AVI 5 - Avionics Architectures

    Lecturers :

        * Experts from Enac Air Transport Department
        * Experts from Airbus, Dassault Aviation, Thales Avionics

    Presentation : Avionics architectures have constantly evolved over the past thirty years. This module will present their main characteristics.

    Content :

        * Main avionics advances and industrial challenges
        * Electrical systems
        * Systems interfaces and data exchanges
        * Cockpit integration

    Pedagogical objectives : Be able to characterize avionics architectures

    AVI 6 - Human Factors

    Lecturers :

        * Expert (PhD) from the Honeywell Human Centred Systems Department
        * Experts from Airbus, Dassault Aviation, Thales ATM

    Presentation : Pilots and controllers are the human operators of avionics and ATM systems. This module will be centred on human factors issues in the operation and engineering of such systems.

    Content :

        * Introduction to Human Factors
        * Operators (pilots and controllers) cognitive learning
        * Operators (pilots and controllers) affective learning
        * Impacts of new technologies

    Pedagogical objectives : Be able to understand how Human Factors are applied to the engineering and operation of cooperative avionics systems

    Methods : courses, hands-on, industrial study cases

    AVI 7 - System Engineering

    Lecturers :

        * Expert from Enac Mathematics and Computing Department
        * Experts from Airbus, Dassault Aviation, Rockwell Collins, Thales Avionics

    Presentation : The development of new cooperative systems or applications is subject to industrial processes. This module will present the main systems development processes.

    Content :

        * Contract process
        * Systems Engineering technical processes
        * Software life cycles
        * Hardware life cycle
        * Configuration Management Process

    Pedagogical objectives : Be able to describe the main systems development processes

    Methods : courses, hands-on, industrial study cases

    AVI 8 - Project Management

    Lecturers :

        * Expert from VEGA
        * Experts from Airbus, Dassault Aviation, Rockwell Collins, Thales Avionics

    Presentation : Cooperative avionics development projects involve interdisciplinary and intercultural teams. Their management should comply with the appropriate techniques.

    Content :

        * Project management techniques and tools
        * Communication bases
        * Team-building activities
        * Intercultural in the professional life

    Pedagogical objectives : Be able to describe the main project management processes

    Methods : courses, hands-on, industrial study cases

    AVI 9 - Certification of Avionics

    Lecturers :

        * Expert from IANS
        * Experts from Airbus, Dassault Aviation, DGA/Ceat, Thales Avionics

    Presentation : Cooperative avionics certification covers the entire compliance process to the airworthiness, operational and air navigation regulations. This process will be reviewed in this module.

    Content :

        * Introduction to certification
        * Avionic systems certification
        * Air Navigation System safety oversight and conformity assessment
        * Cooperative avionics standards

    Pedagogical objectives : Be able to explain cooperative avionics systems certification process

    Methods : courses, industrial examples

    AVI 10 - Flight Control Systems

    Lecturers :

        * Experts (included PhD) from the Enac Air Transport Department
        * Experts from Airbus, Thales Avionics

    Presentation : The automatic flight control system is a key enabler of optimized aircraft operations. It will be presented in this module.

    Content :

        * General Introduction
        * Global view of Flight Control Channels
        * Manual flight control systems
        * Automatic flight control systems
        * Guidance flight control systems

    Pedagogical objectives : Acquire the functional knowledge necessary to understand the architectures and operational requirements of modern flight control systems

    Methods : courses, practical work

    AVI 11 - Means of communication

    Lecturers :

        * Experts (including PhDs) from Enac Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Electronic Systems Department
        * Experts from Airbus, Rockwell Collins, Thales Avionics

    Presentation : At the basis of cooperation and data exchanges, communication means tend to be performance oriented. Current and New communication techniques are the scope of this module.

    Content :

        * Introduction
        * Current communication techniques
        * New communication techniques
        * On board communication systems architecture

    Pedagogical objectives : Be able to understand the performances and limitations of the communication means.

    Methods : courses, practical work

    AVI 12 - Collaborative applications for airlines

    Lecturers :

        * Experts from Lufthansa Technical Training
        * Experts from Rockwell Collins

    Presentation : Airlines need collaborative applications for the safety and efficiency of their operations and for the comfort of their passengers. This module will focus on such applications.

    Content :

        * The needs of an airline in data link communications
        * The airlines operating control communications
        * The passenger communications

    Pedagogical objectives : Be able to understand the collaborative applications for airlines.

    Methods : courses, simulations

    AVI 13 - Navigation

    Lecturers :

        * Experts (including PhDs) from Enac Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Electronic Systems Department
        * Experts (including PhDs) from the French civil aviation authority Direction de la Technique et de l’Innovation
        * Experts from Airbus, Dassault Aviation, Thales Avionics

    Presentation : Navigation required performance is one of the drivers for an optimized air traffic management. This module will present current and new concepts of navigation.

    Content :

        * Introduction
        * Conventional Radionavigation
        * GNSS Satellite radionavigation
        * On board navigation system architecture
        * Approach and landing challenges

    Pedagogical objectives : Be able to understand the current and new navigation techniques and concepts.

    Methods : courses, industrial examples, flight simulations

    AVI 14 - Surveillance

    Lecturers :

        * Experts from the French civil aviation authority Direction de la Technique et de l’Innovation
        * Experts from Airbus, Rockwell Collins, Thales ATM, Thales Avionics

    Presentation : As the eye of the Air Traffic Control, surveillance tends to be performance oriented. This module will present current and new concepts of surveillance.

    Content :

        * Introduction
        * Current Surveillance techniques
        * New surveillance techniques and concepts
        * On board and ground safety nets

    Pedagogical objectives : Be able to understand the current and new surveillance techniques and concepts.

    Methods : courses, industrial examples, systems simulations and visits

    AVI 15 - Collaborative Avionics for Air Traffic Management

    Lecturers :

        * Experts (incl. PhD) from the French civil aviation authority Direction de la technique et de l’Innovation (DTI)
        * Experts from Airbus, Dassault Aviation, Rockwell Collins, Thales Avionics

    Presentation : To cope with the constant increase in air traffic, collaborative ATM applications are being studied and developed.

    Content :

        * Introduction
        * ATM data link applications
        * New cooperative applications and concepts for the improvement of ATM

    Pedagogical objectives : Be able to understand collaborative ATM applications and concepts.

    Methods : courses, industrial examples, simulations.

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