Executive Master in Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management - Online

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  • Contenu
    Executive Master in Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management.

    It integrates the most innovative knowledge of online marketing, e-commerce and tourism marketing. This Master has been designed to be able to direct the hotel establishments and to assume the position of Ecommerce Director and Director of Revenue Manamgement, highly sought after in this highly competitive sector.

    • 60 ECTS
    • Full Time
    • 10 Months
    • English

    Presentation and objectives:

    The Master in Marketing, Marketing and Online Revenue Management integrates the most innovative knowledge of online marketing, e-commerce and tourism marketing. This Master has been designed to be able to direct the hotel establishments and to assume the position of Ecommerce Director and Director of Revenue Manamgement, highly sought after in this highly competitive sector.

    Ostelea is the only school that trains its students with the tools they use in most companies. The subjects have a totally practical approach.

    The classes are taught in Online methodology in real time.

    Reasons to take the Master:

    Ostelea, school specialized in Revenue

    The only program in Spain that combines the posstion of Ecommerce Director + Director of Revenue Management

    Tourism sector: Pioneer in Revenue

    Revenue is a field of marketing that emerged in the Tourism sector, and today is a reference for other sectors. In addition, it is a key factor in the income statement of any company

    Networking and Entrepreneurship

    The students of the master can participate in the Afterwork cycle, an activity that connects them with the business world through meetings with entrepreneurs.

    The Master will give you the following benefits:


    They are necessary to advance in the different labor levels. The managerial skills will allow the student to face decisive moments in his career. In managerial positions it is necessary to know how to manage: people, teams, emotions, conflicts, negotiations.

    From the personal point of view, students must learn to create their own personal brand, manage their own network of contacts, write a good curriculum and respond appropriately to job interviews, among others.


    It is necessary to know both online marketing and offline marketing. Therefore, all the casuistry, tools and analytics of online marketing for hotels are explained in detail. Like content managers, SEO, SEM, email marketing, analytics, online reputation, social networks or blogs, among others.

    We also work with offline marketing since it is essential to know how to carry out a marketing plan, customer segmentations, competitive analysis, use a CRM and work with press offices or public relations and advertising agencies


    In the hotel marketing courses, they are divided into 3 areas. Special attention is paid to the sales strategy, campaign planning and sales team management. In the subject of hotel marketing work with different types of intermediaries, recruitment, assistance to fairs, creation of tour packages.

    Finally, hotel finances are studied from a practical point of view and should allow the student to understand a profit and loss account, be able to carry out the budget of his department as well as read the balance sheet, costs for sales or deviations of results.


    The ecommerce is the great axis of hotel marketing, so it works carefully in all its aspects.

    Planning, tools, technologies for direct sales, technologies for distribution, databases, payment systems, mobile devices, metrics and web analytics.

    And the second subject is the revenue management where the pricing, forecasting, customer segmentation as well as pricing, overbooking, upselling and other tactics are worked on.

    Training Plan:

    The Master in tourism marketing and revenue management Online of Ostelea is classified into 5 modules:

    • Market Structure, International Hotel Marketing and Strategic Management
    • Finance of the Hotel Sector, Finance for Marketing and Commercial
    • Tourist Marketing, Offline and Online
    • Ecommerce and Online Distribution. Revenue Manament and Hotel Pricing
    • Master's Thesis.

    Market Structure, International Hotel Marketing and Strategic Management

    • Structure of the Tourist Market 3 Credits- Compulsory
    • International Hotel Marketing 3 Credits- Compulsory
    • Commercial Strategic Management 5 Credits- Compulsory

    Finance of the Hotel Sector, Finance for Marketing and Commercial

    • Finance of the Hotel Sector 5 Credits- Compulsory

    Tourist Marketing, Offline and Online

    • Offline Marketing and Traditional Marketing 6 Credits- Compulsory
    • Online Marketing and Innovation in Marketing 6 Credits- Compulsory

    Management and Personal Skills

    • Management Skills and Leadership 4 Credits- Compulsory
    • Personal Skills and Personal Brand 4 Credits- Compulsory
    Ecommerce and Online Distribution. Revenue Manament and Hotel Pricing
    • Ecommerce and Online Distribution 6 Credits- Compulsory
    • Revenue Management and Hotel Pricing 6 Credits- Compulsory
    Master's Thesis

    • Master's Thesis 12 Credits - Compulsory


    The admission process guarantees the suitability of the candidates, in this way all the participants will be able to take full advantage of this learning experience.

    To start the admission process it is necessary to fill in the information request. From that moment Ostelea will contact the candidate to close an interview to which the following documentation must be submitted:

    • University degree
    • The Curriculum Vitae
    • Motivation letter
    • Two letters of recommendation

    After finishing the interview, the Admissions Committee will analyze case by case and communicate the resolution to the candidate to inform him of the status of his admission.


    The participant who successfully completes the program will obtain TRIPLE TITLE:

    • Master in tourism marketing and revenue management, by the University of Lleida (INSTITUTIONAL)
    • Master in tourism marketing and revenue management, by Ostelea Tourism Management School (INSTITUTIONAL)
    • Master in tourism marketing and revenue management, by EAE Business School (INSTITUTIONAL)

    In order to obtain the degrees that EAE and the University grant, it is necessary to comply with the requirements requested by said institutions.

    Ostelea Experience.


    To ensure excellent tuition at Ostelea, the role played by our team of teachers is fundamental. As such, Ostelea boasts an excellent team of highly-respected lecturers in each field of learning.

    The Program Directors and Academic Faculty are highly qualified and renowned professionals specializing in the tourism sector.

    Ostelea also welcomes Top Guest Speakers to its classrooms throughout the academic year. 

Autre formation en rapport avec direction gestion entreprises touristiques

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