Undergraduate Course in Interior Design

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    Undergraduate Course in Interior Design.
    Undergraduate Courses - Rome

    The Interior Designer interprets the urban changes by identifying roles, services, lifestyles and aesthetic of the interior space. This professional restyles the public image of cities, working for hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops, malls, merging urban with the intimacy and rest place for excellence: home.
    Interior Designers - space artisans - embody the primary professional roles of contemporary times, when market and politics influence the transformation of existing spaces as well as cities expansions.

    Title - The First Level Academic Diploma is recognized by MIUR (Ministry for Education, University and Research) and equated with the Bachelor’s Degree issued by Universities.


    Check the pages dedicated to the creative professions: Interior Designer.

    Context – Spaces aren’t what they used to be. Times, societies and needs to experience the places are constantly changing therefore the Interior Designer interprets this evolution.

    Methodology and structure – This Three-year course supports students in building a strategic vision and developing awareness of all the dynamics and variables affecting his activity.
    The course structure is finalised to getting a balanced knowledge on space structure. It’s articulated in 4 main goals: Know your time, through the study of art history and architecture, sociology
    and anthropology; Investigate new possibilities thanks to labs; Get the tools to use materials, colors, shapes and technologies; Tell the project through advanced skills of space representation.

    First year is dedicated to getting a basic education, cultural references, tools and design methodology.
    Students learn free-hand sketch and CAD - useful to make models using basic materials - subsequently 3D printers and laser cut machines.
    Later on students get design consciousness and complete their skill set such as 3D modeling and production (render) of realistic images by the application of materials and lights to virtual settings.

    By the third year students gain creative autonomy by experiencing the latest technologies of simulation and interaction applied to design, facing with real projects thanks to the collaborations with partner companies and institutions as MAXXI and MACRO exhibit spaces, cultural spaces as Teatro Eliseo or associations as la Fondazione Montessori and l’ONG Intersos.

    Career opportunities – Interior Designer, Exhibit and Cultural Designer, Retail Designer, Hospitality Designer, Personal Designer, Concept Designer.

    About IED:


    Our graduates and the brilliant positions of responsibility they occupy in the creative professions and enterprise tell the story of the excellence generated by IED.

    It’s a success story that has contributed to the achievement of the official recognition, for the majority of IED courses, by the Ministries of Education and of Research in the countries where IED operates directly.

    IED has also signed agreements with several prestigious academic institutes to offer double-branded courses at home and abroad, whose final diplomas are accredited by the partner institutions. For the 2012-2013 academic year, the institution in question is the University of Westminster in London.

    IED educational program is based on course credits (CF) according to the most advanced european institutions of this area.

Autre formation en rapport avec décoration d'intérieur

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